
Enhanced nutrition
rooted in nature

Our high-protein, high-vitamin ingredients fulfil the nutritional needs of many pets, while remaining tasty, natural and sustainable. They can be used for a variety of applications, from dry/wet pet food to treats.

Our ingredients

According to a study by OnePoll, 83% of dog and cat owners in the USA would feed their pets insect-based ingredients.

Pets deserve the best

Conventional animal and plant proteins have long been the gold standard for feeding our pets. Today, we require varied feed sources that can reconcile nutritional quality and sustainability: rebalancing the environment, while also the nutritional landscape of our animals.

Quality nutrition through mealworms

The unique nutritional profile of our mealworm-based ingredients support the raising of healthy, happy pets, perfectly fulfilling the nutritional needs of many pets – while using 30x less land and emitting 40x fewer carbon emissions than traditional livestock.

Our products are as nutritionally beneficial as animal protein, and as sustainable as plants.

Our products are...


0 %
peptic digestibility


3- 0 %
of a wild cat’s diet consists
of insects


0 x
less land than cattle

Research-backed health benefits

Composition analyses of our products support their favorable nutritional profile for pets. According to these analyses:

Our mealworm possesses the best amino acid score among insect species, indicating a very high-quality source of protein.

Our low ash content (3.5%) indicates a very pure product, with minimal inorganic impurities.

Highly digestible, our peptic digestibility score of 86% means that pets can absorb a maximum of the nutrients.

Rich in Omega 6 (30%), low in saturated fat (25%), and high in natural fiber (including chitin).

Backyard chickens can also reap the rewards of our ingredients. After just seven days, average daily gain increased among chickens, indicating boosted health and wellbeing. According to research by Emerton, 82% of backyard chicken owners’ insect of choice is the mealworm.

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